Project Approach

Our team was using a google spreadsheet to run all our deal and investor approvals. I worked with my team’s PM to identify what our internal team needed to be successful with their workflow.

I watched and interviewed the teams who were going to use the new tool. With the help of the PM, we created a specification with all fields they needed to edit and view in order to do their jobs more efficiently.

I created a clickable prototype and watched the teams and took notes on areas in need and improvement.

Once we had all the feedback we started a beta tool.


The servicing team was using google spreadsheets, having to run terminal code to pull data to fill them. They then had to take that information and create spreadsheets for compliance to review. Then go into another system and do the data entry. This was extremely tedious.


Everything is in one tool. Many steps have turned into just one step. They no longer have to write code or use different tools to get data.
